Wednesday, January 02, 2008

He, the man...

What a way to celebrate the new year by our Health Minister.

Actually, I was wondering, why didn't the top politicians make some noise during the unfolding of this scandal?

If you watch the video on, you can sense the sarcasm in Dr. Chua's statement. He touched on the "holier-than-thou" issue where, the rakyat of Malaysia that consist of politicians are adopting. He particularly touched on the "Islam Hadhari" issue. I believe that this is a conspiracy. Mad idea but this is what I'v been hearing. Lets see what the Police (which refused an Independent Royal Commission) will do to investigate and reveal who is the mischievous-coward behind this. Maybe, maybe isn't a suitable word but ministers and politicians that are involved in similar cases or other issues/scandals should own up to their mistakes. Don't be a no-ball man.


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