Thursday, March 30, 2006


I am tired and sleepy but my mind is still diligently at work. While playing around with the idea of sharing with people the creative art of photography, it stumbled upon a fantastic idea of displaying it online. Oh well, it isn't fantastic at all since it is an old idea but my mind wants to think of it that way, what can I do? I tried Flickr. It is too slow and I do not have the flexibility of a blog. No doubt the picture quality posted on the blog will deteriorate but that's the whole point. In order to obtain a better quality picture you would have to ask the owner. Another brilliant idea, the name of the blog. I decided to name it along the theme of this blog by retaining the "Not". It is like a car company producing a range of models based on one platform. It is more like Nestle's Maggi brand. You get the chilli sauce, ketchup, mee in my mug and instant noodles. So when one mentions "Not", instantly speak-not and see(not) will pop up in your mind. This is called smart branding. =) Soon you will all enjoy, I hope, nice photographs.


Blogger lildudette... said...

OOH Philip My F... i have no idea wat ur talking about the "not" thingy. And u know wat i asked other ppl to read... philipmyf... and everyone said 'm' 'y' 'f' NO ONE SAID 'MY' 'F'. And i concluded that marketers should not try to satisfy my needs.. cos i'm different from others. THey will not sell. And when they advertise stuff to aim at 'me' they have to becareful. I perceive things different from others. And this is great prove, philip my f.....

March 31, 2006 11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... got the whole MYF thing read differently..

April 01, 2006 1:29 AM  

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