Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel at war

You may wonder why do I say so as many of us think that Israel has always been at war, true in a way. This time, the war is bigger and deadlier. Probably it would increase in intensity to the scale of the 6 Days War where Israel single-handedly defeated its neighbours in 6 days. Here is an insert from an e-mail. I'm not sure of the authencity but my source is reliable.

On January 29, 2006 when I was speaking in a church service at Jubilee Church in Camarillo, the Lord began to speak to me about Lebanon. One of the things they do at Jubilee is pray for the nations each Sunday. When I saw the flag of Lebanon, it lit up by the Holy Spirit for me to see. The Lord then began to quicken a prophetic word to me. He said, "Watch Lebanon." Not only was He speaking to that church and the people there as a personal call for them to watch over the nation of Lebanon, but I felt like He was speaking to us as His people that Lebanon would become a real prayer focus and issue this year. I was hesitant to interrupt the service and give this word because I was not confident over who in the service would understand the concept of Lebanon today. However, I am glad that I heeded the Lord's voice that He was calling us to pray for Lebanon this year.

I heard the Lord say the following:
"In the midst of the summer at the hottest point you will begin to see the snow of Lebanon melt. Watch as Palestine and Syria form an ungodly alliance with Lebanon. For Lebanon is at the end of the fork of the road of change for the Middle East. Lebanon will become an issue that causes the Middle East to go one way or the other. In the midst of the beauty and grandeur of this place I will begin to write a new script over how the nations will realign. Out of Lebanon a new wineskin will form and a new river will begin to rise. I will bring conflict into Lebanon because it is the boundary that I will deal with this year concerning My promised land of Israel. The warlike tribes of Lebanon will once again arise. But in the end I will win this war, and the riches that have been withheld from My kingdom plan will be released. Watch and see for there is a new vision. For in the days ahead you will hear a cry arise from the deep affliction and mourning that comes out of Lebanon. Out of the ancient city of Damascus, you will see a caravan arise. I, Ancient of Days, will create a conflict in Damascus. My power will be displayed to the world when I break the confederation of demonic hosts that are aligned against My covenant plan. Out of Damascus will come a new move of My Spirit. Many conversions and miracles will occur in the region that surrounds Damascus. Watch because I am realigning the nations of this region. I will send angelic forces to guard My plan. No matter how Syria arises against that plan at this time, I will have warring angelic forces that will counteract the plan of men that are aligned with evil forces to create havoc. Sing the songs of the Ancient of Days for it is those songs that will create the sound of victory over the lands of this region."

Chuck D. Pierce
Do pray for the people, innocent people who are caught in the midst of this turmoil. Pray for Israel as a nation. Their brothers of the Arab world. Are we seeing the beginning of Armageddon?


Blogger Philip said...

islamic fanatic! and gnostic preacher!,

greetings i bring to you both from God the Father,Jesus the Son and the Holy Ghost our helper.
Thank you for dropping by and commenting. You've just created a mini controversy in Malaysia. By right, the Internal Security Act of Malaysia can be used against the both of you. The punishment is 2 years jail sentence with an undisclosed duration of solitary confinement. You can be rearrested after being released without prior notice. Oh by the way, you WILL NOT be given fair trial, infact no trial at all. If the US has the "long-arm" policy and the muslim's the Syariah Law, Malaysia has the best of both world because we "Boleh".

By the way, did islam spread faster and earlier than Christianity? You do the math! and you! the messiah wannabe, i give you RM0.50, you go to the widest drain you can find, squat there and wait another millenium. Maybe, both of you can do the same and discuss more...and see who came first.. the chicken or the egg!

July 17, 2006 10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey u guys...
have you ever wondered why there has been not much noise from the Lebanese Government?? because Hezbollah is exactly like PAS in M'sia..they only have control of a small part of Lebanon and yet they bring trouble to the whole of Lebanon...if you don't believe me check out the Lebanese Peace it..

and u muslim loser...have you ever wondered why in almost every major conflict we have in the world..muslims are always involved?? and that you ppl are the only religion officially at a jihad with the entire world...and why are all the islamic nations in the world undeveloped? something is wrong..don't blame others when you guys have not examined blame racial profiling when the police raid your homes and yet who are the terrorists in the world??? MUSLIMS...
im so sick and tired with the mentality of you ppl..
as i have said...
KILL THEM ALL...let allah sort you guys out...

July 17, 2006 10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and muslim..go read the satanic verses...bout Muhammad being tricked by the devil..hahahahaha

FYI..the muslims are out to kill the author of this book..
they are hiding the truth that muhammad was tricked by the devel into signing a peace accord with a non-muslim tribe..the devil disguised himself as the angel this could mean tat the whole of the Quran is bull as the devil could have tricked muhammad...hahahahahaa

July 17, 2006 10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the author of the book Satanic Verses is Salman Rushdie..

July 18, 2006 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

islamic fanatic and gnostic preacher, kudos to you! you are entitled to your own convictions and beliefs!

May the trinity bless you and yeah the chicken and egg story begins here! anyway may the Lord Jesus Christ bless you two and bring upon convictions into your life.

Cheers. God bless you two!

July 18, 2006 9:58 PM  

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