Monday, August 13, 2007

Appreciate Komanwel CG peeps

I read it on someone who is part of a group of people dear, very dear to me...

Bro, you were always there with us through it all.. thru fun times, and thru the not so fun times.. you were always there to guide us, to lead us, and to lend a helping hand.. you've always got the right answers and solutions to everything.. i admire your wisdom and your passion for God.. despite it being your final year in uni loaded with assignments, attachments and exams, the CG can always rest assured that you've prepared word and know that it's prepared well with much effort.. you're very much a people person, you speak to the "highs" and stoop to the "lows" ranging from corporate CEOs in suits and mercs to medical students wit weird jargons to the little children running around in church banging into things... but you never lose sense of who you are.. you have taught me responsibility and determination..

I am so glad that you have learned something from our very short time spent together learning from the word of God. Do pray for one another often...the world isn't a good place to be in.


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