Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Christmas Season

Xmas and Yuletide. These have been the terms used to describe this season. The season of celebration not only observed by the Christians but many others. These terms however are not consistent with the celebration of Christmas, the celebration of Christ's birth. By the way, have you ever thought of the meaning of Xmas and Yuletide?

Xmas. Many have told me not to use that term as it down plays Christ's significance. Is that true? I don't know. After reading this over at Wikipedia (I know some doubt its authenticity) I guess there is some truth in it.

Yuletide? Look here. Lazy to type it all out. The bottom line is this. It is the underlying meaning of Christmas that we all carry that matters most. It does not really matter if it is Xmas or Christmas but not Yuletide. I'm being very incoherent here, pardon me. I'm falling asleep, if that is a good excuse.

So, I'm taking this opportunity to wish all of you a Blessed Christmas this year. May the Lord stare at you always and grip you at all times. Nah!...May the Lord watch over you and embrace you in His assuring arms at all times. Jesus came, suffered, died and resurrected. He some of us. Would you like Him to give you Life?


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