My friends and I were just chatting over the issue that Harry Lee raised recently. We concluded that Malaysians are always the subject of criticism because of our dumb government. We have a deputy who cannot graduate with Honours from a UK university. I thought they gave it for free when finish your final year, unlike Australian universities. Anyways, the Internal Security Ministry released a statement yesterday regarding summonses with collaboration with the Road Transport Department (JPJ), Bank Negara, Police, insurance companies and relevant agencies. Alright, as I read the first part of it in today's The Star, I thought it was a good move from the government to collect old debts from its very own family members. The as I read on, I was rather stunned at how dumb they are at making statements, what more policies!
"Pay up first" "Settle summonses or you can't renew vehicle insurance". This were on the front page. Then as I flip through to page 4, guess what was written. "Lower premiums for motorist with few summonses". Make up your mind! Can we or can't we renew our insurance? If one cannot renew his/her insurance how can one pay higher premiums because of outstanding summonses. Ridiculous!@?#$...It is either you impose a higher premium or refuse their renewal. Why not, for those with more than 10 summonses, you reject their renewal and for those below that number you impose a multiplier on each outstanding summon.
Pak Lah says "Our education system is Islamic" just because of Quranic studies has been included into the present system. Hey o'mighty one, have you forgotten about Bible Knowledge? I'm not allowing my children to study in public schools...home schooling or private schools will be non-Islamic. What are you trying to impose on the non-Muslims? HUh?!?@?@ Remember, we a re multi racial and religious nation. NOT ISLAMIC. Islam is the official religion only because the majority are Muslims. What if one day the Buddhist becomes the majority? Are you willing to make a statement saying our education system is Buddhist? I say, ths is a gimmick during the Ramadhan month.
BUT...thank goodness
We have in our midst someone who thinks and speaks. At least there is still hope for our nation but not for long. "Stop arguing over racial equity and wealth distribution and concentrate instead on wealth creation and transparency", said Gerakan President Datuk Seri Lim Keng Yaik. Hello Malaysia! Remember Pak Lah's promise of transparency? What ever happened to Gerbang Perdana's claim for RM100 mil+ compensation for the dream
scenic bridge? Have you ever thought of the cost of producing a passport? Why are we paying RM300 for a freaking 32pages of almost empty small little book? Chairman Mao's Red Book would have cost lesser?
Friends, wealth creation is better than distributing freely to those who constantly argue they have not enough. Blame it on the government for poor distribution, not the Chinese who work damn hard to earn a living. We deserve it. The hardworking Malays deserve it too. Wealth creation is not about a contract which says "after 5 years of share ownership, 20% of it should be sold to a particular race" would make only 1 person richer not the remaining 64%! In ending...I would like to quote some words of wisdom from Datuk Seri Lim...
"...debates like these only fuel the perceptions that Malays always felt they did not have enough, the Chinese felt they had sacrified too much, while the Indians felt that they did not have anything at all."